The wordsmith and founder of Loudmouth Co.

There are two important things you need to know about me. First, I have little to no volume control. Second, I have a knack for getting people to talk their mouths off. 

These two extremely desirable (and not at all annoying to others) characteristics inspired Loudmouth Co., and its mission. I want to help every small business and nonprofit organization share it's story LOUDLY so they can do good through their work. And I'm using my storytelling superpower to make that happen.

As a recovering newspaper journalist (IYKYK) and nonprofit marketing and communications expert, I know how to weave the importance of your mission and story to the results you need to achieve to make an impact. Nothing makes me happier than creating positive change through storytelling. 

During my time as a features beat reporter for a tri-state daily newspaper, local small business owners like restaurants, boutiques, farmers market vendors, florists, creatives, farmers, musicians, and other artisans became my most trusted sources. I fell head over heels for their stories and for helping them share their passions, projects, and products with the world.

The small business community is something special and it felt criminal to me that many of them didn’t have access to support helping them craft and market their story to people on their own. 

I knew then that there was a business in that idea somewhere. But it didn’t feel like the right time to take the leap.

Fast forward to Spring 2020, knee-deep into the pandemic. I was working in content marketing for a nonprofit in Salt Lake City, Utah and my husband called randomly in the middle of the day. Like tens of thousands across the country, he’d been let go from his job because his company “needed to save money and he is dispensable.”


I was already in the thick of testing my business idea with some local business owner pals, to see what kinds of services they and I would enjoy. But I thought I still would be a year or so out from really taking it anywhere.

Life had other plans, though. And I decided to start marketing myself as a messaging strategy and copywriter for small businesses as a side business while I worked my full-time job so we could supplement my husband’s lost income.

Within six months, I took my business full time! And now I’ve served dozens of small businesses through ethical messaging strategy and copywriting across the United States and Canada.



I created Loudmouth Co because I give a damn about the stories, the people, and the businesses I support. Here are the core values of Loudmouth Co that serve as my north star in everything I do:


Loudmouth Co. was created to do good through storytelling for mission-driven businesses and nonprofits.

Here are the core values of Loudmouth Co that serve as my north star in everything we do:

We believe that business and nonprofit work are a human first endeavors. But some practices and tactics can pull us further and further away from our own humanity. We take a human-first approach to messaging strategy and copywriting because the humanity behind your work matters to us as much as the results we hope to achieve.




critical thinking


This probably comes as no surprise giving my journalism background, but this value has stayed with me no matter where my career went. Striving for truth, both in how we communicate AND within ourselves, is a pillar of great messaging for any business. You can feel it when a brand or business is speaking its truth and I want to help you embody yours. 




critical thinking


One of the most essential components of great copywriting, content writing and messaging is CURIOSITY (for yourself and the audience/clients you want to serve). The way you spark conversation, dive deeper into your work, and share your story, the more curiosity builds for your business and brand. I center curiosity in every piece of content I help create because it’s the best way to build trust and a great rapport with your people. 




critical thinking


Traditional “bro/boss babe marketing” is a lot of “follow me blindly” energy. And we don’t serve that shit here. I help my clients build messaging that works for their goals and desires, not what everyone else says they should want. I question EVERYTHING — especially plug and play strategies that are marketed to work for everyone -- because everything doesn't work for everyone. 




critical thinking


There is no one size fits all when it comes to messaging and copywriting in business. No two businesses are the same and neither should the way they communicate and cultivate their community. I strive to bring out your unique voice and find creative ways to tell your story that work for you and your goals! Creativity doesn’t need boundaries or rules, it just needs YOU!




critical thinking


We so align!! How can we work together?

“After working with Kelly, I walked away with the clarity that I know my brand, I know my message, and most importantly my community knows what I am about.”

We so align!! How can we work together?

Robyn MacNeill,
leadership development coach